电力工程技术  2022, Vol. 41 Issue (1): 180-184  


李蒙赞, 霍成军, 王玮茹, 等. 基于改进MLC的含DG配电网损耗分摊研究[J]. 电力工程技术, 2022, 41(1): 180-184.
LI Mengzan, HUO Chengjun, WANG Weiru, et al. Loss allocation of distribution network with distributed generations based on improved marginal loss coefficients method[J]. Electric Power Engineering Technology, 2022, 41(1): 180-184.




李蒙赞(1975), 女, 学士, 高级工程师, 从事电力系统分析相关工作(E-mail: limengzan@126.com); 霍成军(1979), 男, 硕士, 高级工程师, 从事电网线损分析相关工作; 王玮茹(1986), 女, 硕士, 高级工程师, 从事电网系统分析及线损相关工作.


DOI: 10.12158/j.2096-3203.2022.01.024
文章编号: 2096-3203(2022)01-0180-05   中图分类号: TM743   
李蒙赞1, 霍成军2, 王玮茹1, 余昆3, 张富饶3, 张一帆1    
1. 国网山西省电力公司电力科学研究院, 山西 太原 030001;
2. 国网山西省电力公司, 山西 太原 030021;
3. 河海大学能源与电气学院, 江苏 南京 211100
摘要:分布式电源(DG)接入后,配电网的损耗分摊问题变得更加复杂,基于比例系数的边际损耗系数(MLC)法在含DG配电网中应用时存在市场成员分摊差距过大的情况,分摊缺乏合理性。文中采用基于比例系数的MLC法计算含DG配电网的网络损耗分摊量,将正、负网损分摊量取绝对值求和,在此基础上重新计算各负荷的网损分摊量;然后,考虑网损分摊量总和与实际总损耗平衡的等式约束,利用奖惩系数,增加正网损分摊量,减少负网损分摊量,联立方程求解奖惩系数值,并对网损分摊量进行修正,改进后的方法可以避免正、负分摊量相互抵消,减小成员的分摊差距,合理分摊配电网中产生的损耗;最后,基于IEEE 33节点系统算例进行损耗分摊结果分析,结果表明,所提方法能够作为DG接入配电网的损耗分摊依据。
关键词配电网    损耗分摊    改进边际损耗系数(MLC)法    分布式电源(DG)    正负抵消    奖惩系数    
0 引言

随着分布式发电的技术进步和成本降低,分布式电源(distributed generation,DG)在配电网中的安装比例逐年增加[1-4]。DG的大量接入使配电系统从无源网络转变为有源网络,配电网的无功优化问题也变得更加复杂[5-9],配电网网损分摊的公平性问题日益突出。将含DG的配电网网损进行合理分摊,有利于负荷和DG对网损的责任划定[10-11],以及终端用能价格和结算机制的合理制定[12]


边际损耗系数(marginal loss coefficients, MLC)法是一种对各节点上负荷或发电机进行网损分摊的灵敏度方法,广泛应用于国际电力市场[17]。文献[18]指出,MLC法不能保证所计算出的总网损与系统实际总网损一致。因此,用比例系数来调整网损分摊量,可避免网损的过度回收,但将该方法应用于含DG的配电网网损分摊时,会出现成员间的分摊差距过大的情况,有失分摊的公平性。


1 基于比例系数的MLC法 1.1 原理分析


配电网总有功功率损耗可记为L(Pi, Qi),可通过定义MLC,计算出由网络中节点i的有功功率Pi和无功功率Qi的边际变化所引起的总有功功率损耗L的变化量。定义MLC为:

$ \left\{\begin{array}{l} \lambda_{p_{i}}=\frac{\partial L}{\partial P_{i}} \quad i=1,2, \cdots, N \\ \lambda_{q_{i}}=\frac{\partial L}{\partial Q_{i}} \quad i=1,2, \cdots, N \end{array}\right. $ (1)



$ \frac{\partial L}{\partial V_{i}}=\sum\limits_{j=1}^{N}\left(\frac{\partial L}{\partial P_{j}} \frac{\partial P_{j}}{\partial V_{i}}+\frac{\partial L}{\partial Q_{j}} \frac{\partial Q_{j}}{\partial V_{i}}\right) $ (2)
$ \frac{\partial L}{\partial \theta_{i}}=\sum\limits_{j=1}^{N}\left(\frac{\partial L}{\partial P_{j}} \frac{\partial P_{j}}{\partial \theta_{i}}+\frac{\partial L}{\partial Q_{j}} \frac{\partial Q_{j}}{\partial \theta_{i}}\right) $ (3)



$ \left[\begin{array}{cccccccc} \frac{\partial P_{1}}{\partial V_{1}} & \frac{\partial P_{2}}{\partial V_{1}} & \cdots & \frac{\partial P_{N}}{\partial V_{1}} & \frac{\partial Q_{1}}{\partial V_{1}} & \frac{\partial Q_{2}}{\partial V_{1}} & \cdots & \frac{\partial Q_{N}}{\partial V_{1}} \\ \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots \\ \frac{\partial P_{1}}{\partial V_{N}} & \frac{\partial P_{2}}{\partial V_{N}} & \cdots & \frac{\partial P_{N}}{\partial V_{N}} & \frac{\partial Q_{1}}{\partial V_{N}} & \frac{\partial Q_{2}}{\partial V_{N}} & \cdots & \frac{\partial Q_{N}}{\partial V_{N}} \\ \frac{\partial P_{1}}{\partial \theta_{1}} & \frac{\partial P_{2}}{\partial \theta_{1}} & \cdots & \frac{\partial P_{N}}{\partial \theta_{1}} & \frac{\partial Q_{1}}{\partial \theta_{1}} & \frac{\partial Q_{2}}{\partial \theta_{1}} & \cdots & \frac{\partial Q_{N}}{\partial \theta_{1}} \\ \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots \\ \frac{\partial P_{1}}{\partial \theta_{N}} & \frac{\partial P_{2}}{\partial \theta_{N}} & \cdots & \frac{\partial P_{N}}{\partial \theta_{N}} & \frac{\partial Q_{1}}{\partial \theta_{N}} & \frac{\partial Q_{2}}{\partial \theta_{N}} & \cdots & \frac{\partial Q_{N}}{\partial \theta_{N}} \end{array}\right]\left[\begin{array}{c} \frac{\partial L}{\partial P_{1}} \\ \vdots \\ \frac{\partial L}{\partial P_{N}} \\ \frac{\partial L}{\partial Q_{1}} \\ \vdots \\ \frac{\partial L}{\partial Q_{N}} \end{array}\right]=\left[\begin{array}{c} \frac{\partial L}{\partial V_{1}} \\ \vdots \\ \frac{\partial L}{\partial V_{N}} \\ \frac{\partial L}{\partial \theta_{1}} \\ \vdots \\ \frac{\partial L}{\partial \theta_{N}} \end{array}\right] $ (4)


$ \left[\begin{array}{c} \lambda_{p_{i}} \\ \lambda_{q_{i}} \end{array}\right]=\left[\begin{array}{c} \frac{\partial L}{\partial P_{i}} \\ \frac{\partial L}{\partial Q_{i}} \end{array}\right]=\boldsymbol{J}^{-1}\left[\begin{array}{c} \frac{\partial L}{\partial V_{i}} \\ \frac{\partial L}{\partial \theta_{i}} \end{array}\right] $ (5)


$ \sum\limits_{i=1}^{N-1}\left[\frac{\partial L}{\partial P_{i}} P_{i}+\frac{\partial L}{\partial Q_{i}} Q_{i}\right]>L $ (6)


$ k=\frac{L}{\sum\limits_{i=1}^{N-1}\left(\frac{\partial L}{\partial P_{i}} P_{i}+\frac{\partial L}{\partial Q_{i}} Q_{i}\right)} $ (7)


$ \left\{\begin{array}{l} \lambda_{p i}^{\prime}=k \lambda_{p i} \\ \lambda_{q i}^{\prime}=k \lambda_{q i} \end{array}\right. $ (8)


1.2 存在问题


(1) 为了奖励DG而出现负分摊。在DG接入的容量较小时,DG离负荷较近,输送同样大小的功率比平衡节点引起的损耗小,此时DG容量的增加会减少配电网损耗。

(2) 为了奖励负荷而出现负分摊。DG接入的容量较大时存在一个使网损最小的容量,超过该容量后,若DG容量继续增大,配电网的损耗将增大。此时负荷如果增加,可进一步减少DG剩余功率,从而减少线路上流动功率,减少网络损耗,负荷的损耗分摊量会减少。


例如一个包含负荷节点和DG节点的网络,设网络实际损耗为100 kW,通过MLC法计算得到负荷节点分摊量为180 kW,DG节点分摊量为-50 kW,此时存在过度回收问题。采用比例系数进行修正时,由式(7)计算比例系数,正分摊180 kW和负分摊-50 kW相加会有一部分抵消,使得比例系数k较大,虽然能保证分摊量总和等于实际损耗,但也会使各用户正分摊量和负分摊量较大,分摊差距过大。

2 改进MLC法


$ L_{p i}^{\prime}=\lambda_{p i}^{\prime} P_{i} $ (9)
$ L_{q i}^{\prime}=\lambda_{q i}^{\prime} Q_{i} $ (10)




(1) 计算初始分配系数。

$ \left\{\begin{array}{l} k_{p i}=\frac{L_{p i}^{\prime}}{\sum\limits_{i=1}^{N-1}\left(\left|L_{p i}^{\prime}\right|+\left|L_{q i}^{\prime}\right|\right)}=\frac{L_{p i}^{\prime}}{\left|L_{\mathrm{sum}}\right|} \\ k_{q i}=\frac{L_{q i}^{\prime}}{\sum\limits_{i=1}^{N-1}\left(\left|L_{p i}^{\prime}\right|+\left|L_{q i}^{\prime}\right|\right)}=\frac{L_{q i}^{\prime}}{\left|L_{\mathrm{sum}}\right|} \end{array}\right. $ (11)



$ L_{p i}=k_{p i} L=\frac{L_{p i}^{\prime}}{\left|L_{\text {sum }}\right|} L $ (12)
$ L_{q i}=k_{q i} L=\frac{L_{q i}^{\prime}}{\left|L_{\text {sum }}\right|} L $ (13)


(2) 计算各节点最终分摊量。以初始分摊量为基础,引入奖惩系数β(0 < β≤1),通过奖惩系数来增加正分摊量,减小负分摊量,具体如下:

$ L_{p i}^{\prime \prime}=\left\{\begin{array}{l} L_{p i} \beta \quad L_{p i} \leqslant 0 \\ \frac{L_{p i}}{\beta} \quad L_{p i}>0 \end{array}\right. $ (14)
$ L_{q i}^{\prime \prime}=\left\{\begin{array}{l} L_{q i} \beta \quad L_{q i} \leqslant 0 \\ \frac{L_{q i}}{\beta} \quad L_{q i}>0 \end{array}\right. $ (15)


$ \sum\limits_{i=1}^{N-1}\left(L_{p i}^{\prime \prime}+L_{q i}^{\prime \prime}\right)=L $ (16)


$ \left|L_{\mathrm{BS}}\right| \beta^{2}+\left|L_{\text {sum }}\right| \beta-\left|L_{\mathrm{AS}}\right|=0 $ (17)


$ \beta=\frac{-\left|L_{\text {sum }}\right|+\sqrt{\left|L_{\text {sum }}\right|^{2}+4\left|L_{\mathrm{BS}}\right|\left|L_{\mathrm{AS}}\right|}}{2\left|L_{\mathrm{BS}}\right|} $ (18)


$ \begin{gathered} \beta= \\ \frac{\sqrt{\left(\left|L_{\mathrm{AS}}\right|+\left|L_{\mathrm{BS}}\right|\right)^{2}+4\left|L_{\mathrm{BS}}\right|\left|L_{\mathrm{AS}}\right|}-\left(\left|L_{\mathrm{AS}}\right|+\left|L_{\mathrm{BS}}\right|\right)}{2\left|L_{\mathrm{BS}}\right|} \end{gathered} $ (19)

$t = \frac{{\left| {{{\rm{L}}_{{\rm{BS}}}}} \right|}}{{\left| {{L_{{\rm{AS}}}}} \right|}}$,可得:

$ \beta=\frac{2}{\sqrt{t^{2}+6 t+1}+t+1} $ (20)

t≥0,因此β≤1。通过式(18)和式(19)可以证明0 < β≤1,且β=1时|LBS|=0,即网络中没有进行奖励的用户。

3 IEEE 33节点算例及分析

以IEEE 33节点标准算例系统为例进行损耗分摊计算[19]。该配电网电压等级为10 kV,共有33个节点,32条支路。在原系统上接入3个DG,其中节点18接入容量为480 kW的光伏电源,节点21接入容量为200 kW的光伏电源,节点29接入容量为360 kW的光伏电源。分布式光伏电源在各节点消纳后剩余量(功率基值为100 kV ·A)为:节点18注入功率为-0.39+j0.04 MV ·A,节点21注入功率为-0.11+j0.04 MV ·A,节点29注入功率为-0.24+j0.07 MV ·A。用改进后的MLC法对该算例进行损耗分摊,与比例法计算结果对比如图 1所示。

图 1 2种分摊方法节点分摊量对比 Fig. 1 Node allocation amount comparison of two allocation methods

图 1可知,改进后的MLC法相较于基于比例系数的MLC法,各成员分摊量之间的差距减小。改进前分摊结果中,通过式(7)计算出节点30的MLC值为0.048 3,进而得到节点30分摊功率为27.705 kW,节点18计算出的MLC值为0.036 6,对节点18奖励-13.168 kW,成员分摊差距最大可达40.873 kW,各节点在计算MLC值时,由于节点18、节点21和节点29注入有功为负,所以在计算总损耗时存在正负量抵消的情况,导致计算出的MLC值偏大。改进后的MLC法计算得节点30的MLC值为0.045 1,节点30分摊量为25.619 kW,节点18的MLC为0.021,对节点18进行奖励-6.843 kW,成员间分摊差距最大为32.462 kW。通过改进MLC法,能够解决正负量抵消导致的MLC值偏大的问题,并且能够保证分摊量总和与实际损耗相等。


4 结语


分析IEEE 33节点网络算例的计算结果,可知改进的分摊方法既体现了MLC法能够提供明显经济信号的优点,又保留了基于比例系数的MLC法能避免过度回收的优势,还能减小成员之间的分摊差距,将系统中的损耗按实际贡献合理地分摊(或奖励)给各节点成员,对含DG配电网的网络损耗分配的公平合理性具有重要意义。

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Loss allocation of distribution network with distributed generations based on improved marginal loss coefficients method
LI Mengzan1, HUO Chengjun2, WANG Weiru1, YU Kun3, ZHANG Furao3, ZHANG Yifan1    
1. State Grid Shanxi Electric Power Company Research Institute, Taiyuan 030001, China;
2. State Grid Shanxi Electric Power Company, Taiyuan 030021, China;
3. College of Energy and Electrical Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China
Abstract: The access of distributed generations (DGs) leads to the loss allocation problems of distribution network (DN) becoming more complicated. When the marginal loss coefficients (MLC) method based on the proportional coefficients is applied in DN with DGs, the allocation gap between market members is too large, leading to lack of rationality. Firstly, the absolute value of the positive and negative network loss allocation calculated by the proportional method are summed. And then, based on this sum, the network loss allocation of each load bus are recalculated. Secondly, considering the equality constraints between the total loss allocation and the actual total loss, the reward and punishment coefficients are used to increase the positive network loss allocations and reduce the negative network loss allocations. The reward and punishment coefficients are obtained by solving the constructed equations and applied to correct the initial network loss allocations. The improved method can avoid the offset of positive and negative allocation, reduce the allocation gap of members, and reasonably allocate the loss in DN. The results which are obtained by IEEE 33-bus system show that the proposed method can be used as a reference for loss allocation of DN with DGs.
Keywords: distribution network    loss allocation    improved marginal loss coefficients (MLC) method    distributed generation(DG)    positive and negative offset    reward and punishment coefficients