Optimization strategy for aggregating electric vehicles through VPP to participate in the carbon market
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    Virtual power plant (VPP) is an important solution for distributed energy management of power grid. VPP's participation in carbon emission trading can give full play to its environmental benefits and improve the overall income of VPP. Based on the demand for electric vehicles to participate in the certification and emission reduction market,a coordinated scheduling optimization strategy for aggregating electric vehicles through VPP to participate in the carbon market is proposed. Firstly,design a scheme for VPP to represent electric vehicles in the certification and emission reduction market,and increase VPP revenue by charging service fees. Then,analyze the carbon emission characteristics of different aggregated resources in VPP and evaluate the volatility of new energy output by scenario generation method. Finally,with the goal of maximizing VPP revenue,design an optimization model for VPP participation in the carbon market. The aggregation of electric vehicles as controllable loads and energy storage devices can increase the stability of VPP operation. Example analysis shows that aggregating multiple types of resources including electric vehicles through VPP and participating in carbon market can not only incentivize VPP to reduce the power generation of traditional thermal power units and reduce carbon emissions generated during VPP operation, but also improve the stability of VPP operation,increase VPP revenue and social benefits through the use of electric vehicles.

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  • Received:January 09,2023
  • Revised:April 11,2023
  • Adopted:April 11,2023
  • Online: July 20,2023
  • Published: July 28,2023
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