Virtual frequency control of islanded large-scale renewable energy power system delivered by Zhangbei VSC-HVDC
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technology projects of State Grid Corporation of China(XTB17201600139)

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    Voltage source converter based high voltage direct current(VSC-HVDC) provides a new way to solve grid-connected accommodation problem of renewable energy. However, the active power fluctuation of renewable energy will be transmitted to receiving-end power grid through VSC-HVDC under no additional control. In order to solve active power fluctuation problem of renewable energy grid-connected through VSC-HVDC, an islanded large-scale renewable energy power system in Zhangjiakou area which delivered by VSC-HVDC is studied. The short-time power fluctuation characteristic of wind farms in this area is obtained by actual operation data analysis. A virtual frequency control strategy is designed on the basis of voltage frequency(VF) control in an islanded VSC station. Thus,the active regulation of power fluctuation function can be realized by proposed virtual frequency control in VSC station and primary frequency regulation(PFR) in renewable power generation. Finally, a simulation platform of large-scale wind power delivered by single terminal VSC-HVDC is built. Simulation results testify that the power fluctuation is well regulated by proposed virtual frequency control cooperated with the PFR control in terms of wind power generation operated normally.

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  • Received:November 04,2019
  • Revised:December 06,2019
  • Adopted:August 25,2019
  • Online: June 08,2020
  • Published: May 28,2020
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